Join me in making a positive impact!
I plant trees for every website managed. It's my way of giving back to the planet.

Your WordPress website, managed.

I help small businesses to keep their websites online. I can help you keep yours online, too.

Why choose WordShip?

UK-based, optimised hosting

No more slow loading times or frustrating downtime. I use UK-based, green-powered web servers that keep website load times low and uptimes high.

Scheduled, managed updates

I take care of ensuring the latest security patches, features and enhancements are installed on your website in a controlled way, minimising downtime and conflicts.

Secure, foolproof backups

Sleep soundly knowing that your website is backed up, just in case the unexpected happens.

Planting promise

A minimum of one tree is planted for every website managed, helping to restore vital trees to the UK and beyond.

WordShip pricing

Simplified pricing
£ 30
per month
I'm keeping things simple.
All sites receive the same level of care, attention and resources.
Sign up today
What's Included:
  • Optimised, managed SSD-based hosting
  • Weekly, managed software updates
  • Nightly backups
  • Malware scanning and removal

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please reach out via this form.

Who is behind WordShip?

For nearly two decades, I've designed, coded, built and managed websites for individuals and small businesses across the UK and beyond.

I'm Matt, a web developer, designer and strategist.

I have worked with various content management systems over the years, but WordPress is the one that's been the most popular. Unfortunately, it also needs more hands-on work than many people realise - and that's why I started WordShip.

Whether you're an individual blogger, a small business running an e-commerce store, or an agency or freelancer, WordShip is the solution you're looking for to remove the stress from running your WordPress website.

Important information

  1. WordPress core, theme and plugin updates will be installed on a regular, managed frequency. Visual regression testing and compatibility of updates shall be undertaken on staging sites prior to being pushed 'live'.

  2. All websites are backed up overnight at the server level. Additional backups are created on a regular basis and stored off-site. I recommend ensuring you have a backup of your website available on your own media (e.g. computer, cloud storage) as an additional fail-safe.

  3. As part of my environmental commitment, I pledge to plant a minimum of one tree for each website managed each month, through tree planting partners.

  4. The price displayed is per website per month. Wordship is VAT exempt, and so sales tax ("VAT") shall not be added.

© 2023 Wordship.

Wordship is a trading name of Matthew Meir.
Registered as a business at Studio 12597, PO Box 15113, Birmingham B2 2NJ.

Please get in touch using the form below, ensuring you let me know your current website URL and how soon you want to move to WordShip.

I read all messages, and aim to respond within 48-hours.